About Likhaan


/ lik-ha-an /

Likhaan means “a place to create in” and it is a word from the Filipino language of the Philippines.

As a brand, this name pays homage to our roots, as well as embodies our core mission of creating a safe space that fosters creativity and empowers creators of all kinds.

    Likhaan is the go-to platform for discovering Filipino creators from all over the world, whilst enabling effortless buying and selling of their handmade creations on a global scale.


    We aim to uplift the Philippine art scene, offering sustainable opportunities for every Filipino creator. Our global platform showcases their talents, empowers them, and connects them with buyers worldwide.

  • 18-82-1
    This is Likhaan's foremost campaign which aims to digitize ALL Filipino creators across 18 regions and 82 provinces to build 1 platform that digitalizes the rich cultural heritage and creativity of the Philippines.

    We use this word to encompass 3 distinct sub-groups of creatives: artists, makers, and suppliers. This division is not just about proper identification — it also reflects the essential roles within a creative process.

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Filipino Art Store


To bridge the gap between all Filipino creators and the world.

We aim to make our platform the global destination for discovering handmade creations crafted by Filipino creators. As part of our commitment to elevating the art industry, we will also enable these creators to easily thrive in local and international markets by providing them with all the necessary tools and support.


A world where Filipino creators thrive.
Becoming the recognized global authority, Likhaan envisions a world where Filipino art is celebrated and renowned internationally, weaving a tapestry of cultural richness that resonates across borders.

Likhaan's Milestones

Throughout The Years

MAY 2023 - The Beginning

Our humble journey started with the launch of this website.

MAY 2023 - First Exposure

We were selected for CNN's Final Pitch, where Likhaan emerged victorious, garnering numerous partnership and collaboration offers from key industry stakeholders.

NOVEMBER 2023 - Won StartUp QC

With Likhaan's innovative solution and platform, StartUp, an initiative of the Quezon City government, awarded our business a Php 1M grant.

DECEMBER 2023 - Array of Partnerships

Likhaan made even more meaningful collaborations through bazaars (with Art Lounge), exhibits (with Imahica Gallery), and workshops (with Bitskwela).

2024 & Beyond

We're just getting started! Likhaan is committed to advancing its mission, and we're thrilled for the journey ahead.

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